vers. 15 Feb 2024 - beta

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Last QSO

Band Mode Min
 CallsignDXFlagsStart TimeBandMode 
HA5WA ON3CCC Hungary - Belgium 05:1130MFT4 
N3CAL KF0NKI United States - United States 05:1170CMPKT 
BH7PUE BG5VES China - China 05:1015mFT8 
VK2MBK IK3OGN Australia - Italy 05:1020mFT4 
N3CAL N8HI United States - United States 05:1070CMPKT 
BI4IWL LY2MM China - Lithuania 05:1015mFT8 
R4FDD RP79SE European Russia - European Russia 05:1020MCW 
R3PE YV1SW European Russia - Venezuela 05:1017MFT8 
R0AJS RP79I Asiatic Russia - European Russia 05:1020MFT8 
JF9SLP 7N2GMC Japan - Japan 05:1040mFT8 
DL3HBF OE3MECFS Fed. Republic of Germany - Austria 05:0940mFT8 
IZ8VYU RP79DD Italy - European Russia 05:0920mFT8 
OH1FOL 9A2DI Finland - Croatia 05:096mFT8 
YV1SW R3PE Venezuela - European Russia 05:0917mFT8 
PD2ARI R1OBH Netherlands - European Russia 05:0920mFT8 
SP9MOC GB8VED Poland - Scotland 05:0940mFT8 
W4AI WB8UCD United States - United States 05:0940mFT8 
PA3CPS EB2EMZ Netherlands - Spain 05:0940mFT8 
VK2MBK IZ8GUU Australia - Italy 05:0920mFT4 
HP1CDW WA6JQB Panama - United States 05:0930mFT8 
W2RWM KQ4EKW United States - United States 05:0880mFT8 
YV1SW R3MDA Venezuela - European Russia 05:0817mFT8 
EB2EMZ PA3CPS Spain - Netherlands 05:0840MFT8 
N3DAW ON4CAU United States - Belgium 05:0840mFT8 
SV8PEZ RP79UR Greece - European Russia 05:0820mCW 
BA6KC RP79GL China - European Russia 05:0810mFT8 
R4CES RP79V European Russia - European Russia 05:0815MFT8 
C21TS JQ3ELT Nauru - Japan 05:0715mFT8 
W4AI KD7ZAL United States - United States 05:0740mFT8 
IU0GCR SV2CPH Italy - Greece 05:0770cmFM 
PA3CPS AO675VQ Netherlands - Balearic Is. 05:0740mFT8 
IU1CYA ZL1CVD Italy - New Zealand 05:0720mFT8 
BI4UEC YB4IJZ China - Indonesia 05:0715mFT8 
WM3V F8MRQ United States - France 05:0740mFT8 
HP1CDW ON4ASG Panama - Belgium 05:0730mFT8 
R4FDD RP79IB European Russia - European Russia 05:0720MCW 
OH6IH RP79DD Finland - European Russia 05:0620mFT8 
DL3HBF GB8VED Fed. Republic of Germany - Scotland 05:0640mFT8 
9A9TT M7ERU/QRP Croatia - England 05:0640mFT4 
W2RWM W3EWL United States - United States 05:0680mFT8 
YV1SW RP79FA Venezuela - European Russia 05:0617mFT8 
PA3CPS YO6HEM Netherlands - Romania 05:0640mFT8 
9A9TT DG5AAG Croatia - Fed. Republic of Germany 05:0640mFT4 
BA6KC RK6YD China - European Russia 05:0610mFT8 
JA9KTT XU7AGA Japan - Cambodia 05:0615mFT8 
R0AJS RP79AZ Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 05:0620MFT8 
IK4CBO N0NM Italy - United States 05:0530mFT8 
BG2EFX JG1QCK China - Japan 05:0515mFT8 
IZ8VYU RP79TP Italy - European Russia 05:0520mFT8 
WM3V KF0GE United States - United States 05:0540mFT8 
EA8DO 3G0YA Canary Is. - Easter Is. 05:0560mFT8 
W4AI W6AUN United States - United States 05:0540mFT8 
9A9TT PD7RF Croatia - Netherlands 05:0540mFT4 
SV3SFJ AI6US Greece - United States 05:0520mFT4 
F4FSY RP79I France - European Russia 05:0520mFT8 
HP1CDW EA1FCH Panama - Spain 05:0530mFT8 
BH7PUE BI1NLA China - China 05:0515mFT8 
RA0JAI RP79ZAM Asiatic Russia - European Russia 05:0415MFT8 
BH7PUE JJ2MWV China - Japan 05:0415mFT8 
SP5SMY IS0KNG Poland - Sardinia 05:0440mFT8 
IN3BFW KB1MCT Italy - United States 05:0460mFT8 
JS2NVE EY7BO Japan - Tajikistan 05:0410mFT8 
IZ8VYU RP79AZ Italy - European Russia 05:0420mFT8 
SP5PDA I0/VA3ITA Poland - Italy 05:0430mFT8 
BG9IPV JN1XAI China - Japan 05:0410mFT8 
F4FSY RP79BR France - European Russia 05:0420mFT8 
OM0UA WP4SIG Slovak Republic - Puerto Rico 05:0420mFT8 
RN6FR EV79K European Russia - Belarus 05:0440MSSB 
IU1CYA J79WTA Italy - Dominica 05:0420mFT8 
IU8SDA OL4ACF Italy - Czech Republic 05:0420mFT4 
HA5WA KC3AK Hungary - United States 05:0420MFT4 
SP2EWQ RP79RA Poland - European Russia 05:0440mFT8 
SP7XIF VE3/UT3UA Poland - Canada 05:0430mFT8 
HP1CDW AM375A Panama - Spain 05:0430mFT8 
AC9IR W5BCA United States - United States 05:0330mFT8 
VE3KRP J88IH Canada - Saint Vincent 05:0317mFT8 
IT9JVF SP2EWQ Italy - Poland 05:0340mFT8 
W5DXR JM8FEI United States - Japan 05:0320mFT8 
DL3HBF EA3FBX Fed. Republic of Germany - Spain 05:0340mFT8 
N6PM KK7GJO United States - United States 05:0340mFT8 
ON5HE GB8VED Belgium - Scotland 05:0380mFT8 
SV8NAJ EA1FQC Greece - Spain 05:0330mFT8 
SP5SMY EB3DBR Poland - Spain 05:0340mFT8 
9A9TT RQ6B Croatia - European Russia 05:0340mFT4 
HA5WA VE3WNO Hungary - Canada 05:0320MFT4 
PD5WA SP6JIU Netherlands - Poland 05:0340mFT8 
R0AJS RP79TT Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 05:0320MFT8 
SP5PDA F4BJN Poland - France 05:0330mFT8 
LZ1MDU RP79UR Bulgaria - European Russia 05:0320mCW 
IK4CBO W6XK Italy - United States 05:0220mFT4 
N6DF N8NQ United States - United States 05:0230mFT8 
IZ8VYU RP79RZ Italy - European Russia 05:0220mFT8 
BG9IPV EY7BO China - Tajikistan 05:0210mFT8 
OH6FSO OE3MECFS Finland - Austria 05:0240mFT8 
PA3CPS N9HUG Netherlands - United States 05:0230mFT8 
ON5HE OL87DL Belgium - Czech Republic 05:0280mFT8 
EA5D VE3/UT3UA Spain - Canada 05:0230mFT8 
9A9TT OK1FHI Croatia - Czech Republic 05:0240mFT4 
WM3V WX0Z United States - United States 05:0140mFT8 
JG3RIG JA1BJT Japan - Japan 05:0140mFT8 
BG2EFX RW6AIC China - European Russia 05:0115mFT8 
OH6IH IQ1BK Finland - Italy 05:0120mFT8 
F1TRF 5P5LI France - Denmark 05:0140mFT8 
EA3HMM AM375A Spain - Spain 05:0120mFT8 
IT9JVF 9A1AD Italy - Croatia 05:0140mFT8 
KE2DBO ZF2CH United States - Cayman Islands 05:0120mFT8 
OM0UA VK2KAW Slovak Republic - Australia 05:0120mFT8 
IZ8VYU RP79TT Italy - European Russia 05:0120mFT8 
SP5PDA AM375A Poland - Spain 05:0130mFT8 
SP5SMY YO6HEM Poland - Romania 05:0140mFT8 
IU1CYA NL8F Italy - Alaska 05:0120mFT8 
IK4IDF VK2GOM Italy - Australia 05:0120mSSB 
IK4IDF VK2BYF Italy - Australia 05:0120mSSB 
R0AJS RP79GV Asiatic Russia - European Russia 05:0120MFT8 
IU1CYA RP79WA Italy - European Russia 05:0020mFT8 
M0PMO 3G0YA England - Easter Is. 05:0020mFT8 
F1TRF WX0Z France - United States 05:0040mFT8 
YV1SW UT5AX Venezuela - Ukraine 05:0017mFT8 
W4AI K4JH United States - United States 05:0040mFT8 
N3DAW W8GRR United States - United States 05:0040mFT8 
N6DF N0NM United States - United States 05:0030mFT8 
SV1GFM A52CI Greece - Bhutan 05:0012mFT8 
IU8SDA 9A9TT Italy - Croatia 05:0040mFT4 
BH7PUE BI1FQO China - China 05:0015mFT8 
9A9TT IU8SDA Croatia - Italy 05:0040mFT4 
BA7LUI JO3VYZ China - Japan 05:0010mFT8 
PA3CPS W4AI Netherlands - United States 05:0040mFT8 
BA6KC JH1FSJ China - Japan 05:0010mFT8 
W4AI PA3CPS United States - Netherlands 05:0040mFT8 
R3PLD RP79UR European Russia - European Russia 05:0020MCW 
R3PE RP79GV European Russia - European Russia 05:0020MFT8 
YO8DHA F4LHE Romania - France 04:5913cmFT8 
IZ8VYU RP79U Italy - European Russia 04:5920mFT8 
EB2EMZ IQ0RM Spain - Italy 04:5940MFT8 
HB9VKL UR5UX Switzerland - Ukraine 04:5920mFT8 
JF9SLP JA7EUX Japan - Japan 04:5940mFT8 
DO9BAU SP9JBT Fed. Republic of Germany - Poland 04:5980mFT8 
F4LHE YO8DHA France - Romania 04:5913cmFT8 
VK2MBK OL4ACF Australia - Czech Republic 04:5920mFT4 
IU8PYF PC2J Italy - Netherlands 04:5930mFT8 
SP5PDA OH6CXP Poland - Finland 04:5930mFT8 
HA5WA RV6F Hungary - European Russia 04:5920MFT4 
SP7XIF W6XK Poland - United States 04:5920mFT4 
W5DXR 3D2CCC United States - Fiji 04:5920mFT8 
SP2EWQ OE3MECFS Poland - Austria 04:5940mFT8 
IT9WRZ 3D2CCC Italy - Conway Reef 04:5830mFT8 
VK5AIB JK7KBB Australia - Japan 04:5812mFT8 
MI0NWA WK0I Northern Ireland - United States 04:5840mFT8 
AC9IR EA1FCH United States - Spain 04:5830mFT8 
F4AAS/P N9HUG France - United States 04:5830mFT8 
SP5SMY HA2MY Poland - Hungary 04:5840mFT8 
BI4QMU A52P China - Bhutan 04:5810mFT8 
I8JPO W0MU Italy - United States 04:5830mFT8 
IZ8VYU RP79RGA Italy - European Russia 04:5820mFT8 
PA3CPS D1FF Netherlands - Ukraine 04:5820mFT8 
JS2NVE RP79RGA Japan - European Russia 04:5810mFT8 
OM0UA HI8ILK Slovak Republic - Dominican Rep. 04:5820mFT8 
BG2ATH JA7VUR China - Japan 04:5820mFT8 
R0AJS RP79RZ Asiatic Russia - European Russia 04:5820MFT8 
SV8PEZ RP79I Greece - European Russia 04:5720mCW 
IK4CBO VK2KAW Italy - Australia 04:5720mFT8 
VK5AIB SV1EMX Australia - Greece 04:5712mFT8 
YV1SW LZ/US0KW Venezuela - Bulgaria 04:5717mFT8 
BG2EFX BG6JYE China - China 04:5715mFT8 
SQ5NWA SP8DY/P Poland - Poland 04:5780mLSB 
WM3V KK7GJO United States - United States 04:5740mFT8 
SE3X S56CKU Sweden - Slovenia 04:5730mFT8 
CE3SOC K6RO Chile - United States 04:5720mFT8 
F4FSY RP79W France - European Russia 04:5730mFT8 
EA5D KB1UIF Spain - United States 04:5720mFT8 
RU3GC BD4VOJ European Russia - China 04:5710MFT8 
N3DAW DL1R United States - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:5740mFT8 
R3PLD RP79ZAM European Russia - European Russia 04:5720MCW 
IT9JVF II3GM Italy - Italy 04:5640mFT8 
YO7ZG 7Q7JN Romania - Malawi 04:5610mFT8 
OZ1BJF VE3HLS Denmark - Canada 04:5630mFT8 
5P1KZX WF5I Denmark - United States 04:5630mFT8 
SP5SMY DL2VEL Poland - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:5640mFT8 
JG3RIG 7M4NGG/P Japan - Japan 04:5640mFT8 
K5UHF AO675VQ United States - Balearic Is. 04:5640mFT8 
K1OKS W0MU United States - United States 04:5630mFT8 
W4AI WC2A United States - United States 04:5640mFT8 
VK2MBK DL8WYJ Australia - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:5620mFT4 
BD4UN OH5EP China - Finland 04:5615mFT8 
BH7PUE BG0GG China - China 04:5615mFT8 
YV1SW RP79SE Venezuela - European Russia 04:5617mFT8 
R4FDD RP79ZAM European Russia - European Russia 04:5620MCW 
RN6FR RP79AR European Russia - European Russia 04:5640MSSB 
RU3GC 3D2CCC European Russia - Fiji 04:5610MFT8 
R3PE LZ79ZZ European Russia - Bulgaria 04:5620MFT8 
R3PLD RP79KM European Russia - European Russia 04:5620MCW 
OH6FSO GB6WW Finland - England 04:5540mFT8 
DL3HBF YR95SE Fed. Republic of Germany - Romania 04:5540mFT8 
N1RIP OK1WCF United States - Czech Republic 04:5520mFT8 
PA3CPS W8BJF Netherlands - United States 04:5530mFT8 
9A9TT N4NJM Croatia - United States 04:5520mFT4 
OE3FVU IK2PZX Austria - Italy 04:5540mFT8 
VK2MBK N4NJM Australia - United States 04:5520mFT4 
JS2NVE RA9ACA Japan - Asiatic Russia 04:5510mFT8 
WM3V W7RPS United States - United States 04:5540mFT8 
JG1TSG JA5RWY/P Japan - Japan 04:556mFT8 
SV8DUU RP79TT Greece - Asiatic Russia 04:5520mFT4 
BA6KC JF1VAB China - Japan 04:5510mFT8 
SP2EWQ SP5LST Poland - Poland 04:5540mFT8 
4X1QQ N4NJM Israel - United States 04:5420mFT4 
C21TS JA0AFD Nauru - Japan 04:5415mFT8 
SP5SMY DR100FK Poland - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:5440mFT8 
F4FSY RP79O France - European Russia 04:5430mFT8 
W4AI WB0ZRD United States - United States 04:5440mFT8 
BH7PUE JG2VCQ China - Japan 04:5415mFT8 
9A9TT RV6F Croatia - European Russia 04:5420mFT4 
IZ8VYU LB8VJ Italy - Norway 04:5420mFT8 
RM3DA RP79LDD European Russia - European Russia 04:5430MFT8 
4X1QQ AI6US Israel - United States 04:5420mFT4 
R6FDO RP79T European Russia - European Russia 04:5440MSSB 
RU3GC A52P European Russia - Bhutan 04:5410MFT8 
RA3FY K6ACJ European Russia - United States 04:5420MFT8 
RN3QOO RA3SO European Russia - European Russia 04:5440MSSB 
IU5CJP VK4BT Italy - Australia 04:5320mUSB 
N1RIP KK7MUN United States - United States 04:5320mFT8 
VK7XX VK2BYF Australia - Australia 04:5320mUSB 
VK2MBK NA6JD Australia - United States 04:5320mFT4 
4X1QQ RV6F Israel - European Russia 04:5320mFT4 
RN3QOO RP79VK European Russia - European Russia 04:5340MSSB 
JS2NVE VK4SHG Japan - Australia 04:5310mFT8 
4X1QQ UR5UX Israel - Ukraine 04:5320mFT4 
SP2EWQ AO275ESK Poland - Spain 04:5340mFT8 
UA4HDB DL9KM European Russia - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:5317MFT8 
R3PLD RP79I European Russia - European Russia 04:5320MCW 
SP5PDA F4BJN Poland - France 04:5330mFT8 
AD7OV OM7CF United States - Slovak Republic 04:5220mFT8 
5P1KZX KZ4BW Denmark - United States 04:5230mFT8 
GM4HCY J79WTA Scotland - Dominica 04:5220mFT8 
JS3VAE BI4TGL Japan - China 04:5215mFT8 
W4AI ON4STA United States - Belgium 04:5240mFT8 
VK7XX VK2GOM Australia - Australia 04:5220mUSB 
BH7PUE BI4TGL China - China 04:5215mFT8 
R0AJS RP79RGA Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 04:5220MFT8 
SP7XIF KA2YRA Poland - United States 04:5220mFT8 
BA6KC JJ1TPF China - Japan 04:5210mFT8 
R3PE RP79X European Russia - European Russia 04:5220MFT8 
UA9YAD 9A3SWO Asiatic Russia - Croatia 04:5220MRTTY 
UA4HDB R2PX European Russia - European Russia 04:5217MFT8 
AC9IR K6NCC United States - United States 04:5130mFT8 
SE3X CR3GPDX Sweden - Madeira Is. 04:5130mFT8 
N6DBF 3D2CCC United States - Conway Reef 04:5120mFT8 
DO9BAU OJ0T Fed. Republic of Germany - Market Reef 04:5180mFT8 
N0NIY IS0KNG United States - Sardinia 04:5140mFT8 
IZ8VYU RX6FN Italy - European Russia 04:5130mFT8 
N3DAW W6BT United States - United States 04:5140mFT8 
BH4BNQ YB2EEZ China - Indonesia 04:5112mFT8 
KG6PH CR3GPDX United States - Madeira Is. 04:5140mFT8 
SP5PDA RP79W Poland - European Russia 04:5130mFT8 
UN8PY DL9KM Kazakhstan - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:5117MFT8 
BG2ATH N7ENS China - United States 04:5120mFT8 
R0AJS RP79DD Asiatic Russia - European Russia 04:5120MFT8 
UA3SLB EV79M European Russia - Belarus 04:5140MSSB 
IK2YJC WA2HIP Italy - United States 04:5040mFT8 
IZ0MIT AO675VQ Italy - Balearic Is. 04:5040mFT8 
AC9IR IZ8VYU United States - Italy 04:5030mFT8 
F5SIB N8NQ France - United States 04:5030MFT8 
N6DBF KK5JY United States - United States 04:5020mFT8 
VK2MBK YO4FJK Australia - Romania 04:5020mFT4 
JA9KTT 3D2CCC Japan - Conway Reef 04:5010mFT8 
IZ8VYU AC9IR Italy - United States 04:5030mFT8 
RA3FY N4NJM European Russia - United States 04:5020MFT4 
R6FDO EV79M European Russia - Belarus 04:5040MSSB 
BH7PUE BI1NLA China - China 04:5015mFT8 
UN8PY ES2HV Kazakhstan - Estonia 04:5017MFT8 
SV8PEZ RP79ZAM Greece - European Russia 04:4920mCW 
WA7PL LU1EAF United States - Argentina 04:4920mFT8 
MI0NWA LY3TE Northern Ireland - Lithuania 04:4940mFT8 
EA3HMM KD9YLL Spain - United States 04:4920mFT8 
C21TS JG2TKH Nauru - Japan 04:4915mFT8 
9A9TT RA9YJU Croatia - Asiatic Russia 04:4920mFT4 
BH4BNQ JN7TAN China - Japan 04:4912mFT8 
W4AI VE3ELL United States - Canada 04:4940mFT8 
SV2BRA ZL2CX Greece - New Zealand 04:4920mFT8 
SP7XIF W8TAM Poland - United States 04:4920mFT8 
K6IRK N8HRZ United States - United States 04:4920mFT8 
BA6KC RD4A China - European Russia 04:4910mFT8 
UA6HGM UE79SZ European Russia - European Russia 04:4940MFT8 
RM3DA RP79O European Russia - European Russia 04:4930MFT8 
UA3SLB RP79PF European Russia - European Russia 04:4940MSSB 
UA3AIU RP79UR European Russia - European Russia 04:4940MFT8 
SE3X HA3GB Sweden - Hungary 04:4930mFT8 
UA4HDB RZ6CO European Russia - European Russia 04:4912MFT8 
RA3FY HC1HC European Russia - Ecuador 04:4920MFT4 
US3EW M0ZXQ Ukraine - England 04:4920MFT8 
R6FDO RP79PF European Russia - European Russia 04:4940MSSB 
SP2EWQ AO675VQ Poland - Balearic Is. 04:4940mFT8 
SV8PEZ RP79RK Greece - European Russia 04:4820mCW 
BH4AIU JA2YGP China - Japan 04:4815mFT8 
KE4MVW N2ASU United States - United States 04:4840mFT8 
ZL1JA SV5AZP New Zealand - Dodecanese 04:4817mFT8 
F4FSY KQ4NUO France - United States 04:4830mFT8 
CE3SOC KB1UIF Chile - United States 04:4820mFT8 
N0NIY KC3AWJ United States - United States 04:4840mFT8 
N1RIP SP8AJK United States - Poland 04:4820mFT8 
VK2MBK UR5UX Australia - Ukraine 04:4820mFT4 
BH4SRB RD4A China - European Russia 04:4810mFT8 
SP2WGB 3G0YA Poland - Easter Is. 04:4860MFT8 
BH7PUE BG8SOH China - China 04:4815mFT8 
SP5PDA RP79O Poland - European Russia 04:4830mFT8 
R3PLD RP79WA European Russia - European Russia 04:4840MCW 
RD3ZQ RP79KZG European Russia - European Russia 04:4820MFT8 
PY2RJ 3D2CCC Brazil - Conway Reef 04:4730mFT8 
DK2HM OJ0T Fed. Republic of Germany - Market Reef 04:4780mFT8 
W4AI W5GFM United States - United States 04:4740mFT8 
N6DBF 3G0YA United States - Easter Is. 04:4720mFT8 
EA5D AO775AH Spain - Spain 04:4740mFT4 
SP7NC RK4FF Poland - European Russia 04:4730mFT8 
WM3V N7JI United States - United States 04:4740mFT8 
SP2EWQ DM3DP Poland - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:4740mFT8 
R3PE RP79AZ European Russia - European Russia 04:4720MFT8 
UA3RCX RM1O/P European Russia - European Russia 04:4740MFT8 
RM3DA RP79ML European Russia - European Russia 04:4730MFT8 
W2RWM KX4I United States - United States 04:4680mFT8 
F4FSY KZ4BW France - United States 04:4630mFT8 
JG3RIG JR1SYD Japan - Japan 04:4640mFT8 
YO8RZK A52P Romania - Bhutan 04:4610mFT8 
MI0NWA W0YRE Northern Ireland - United States 04:4640mFT8 
WM3V N7JI United States - United States 04:4640mFT8 
W5DXR 3G0YA United States - Easter Is. 04:4620mFT8 
VK2MBK LZ1SJ Australia - Bulgaria 04:4620mFT4 
K0MLD N3FMC United States - United States 04:4640mFT8 
BA6KC R9UFO China - Asiatic Russia 04:4610mFT8 
SP7NC HI7S Poland - Dominican Rep. 04:4630mFT8 
JA3LBF XU7GNY Japan - Cambodia 04:4610mFT8 
RU3GC W6XK European Russia - United States 04:4620MFT8 
BH4SRB RN3PD China - European Russia 04:4610mFT8 
UA4HDB YB2EEZ European Russia - Indonesia 04:4612MFT8 
R0AJS US7IS Asiatic Russia - Ukraine 04:4620MSSB 
R3PLD RP79AR European Russia - European Russia 04:4640MCW 
SP2EWQ RP79PR Poland - European Russia 04:4640mFT8 
R3PK RL3AG European Russia - European Russia 04:4680MSSB 
DH6VL 3G0YA Fed. Republic of Germany - Easter Is. 04:4540mFT8 
SP9APA 3G0YA Poland - Easter Is. 04:4520mFT8 
KL7TC RP79GV Alaska - European Russia 04:4520mFT8 
DO9BAU OL87DL Fed. Republic of Germany - Czech Republic 04:4580mFT8 
LZ2HA BD7KWU Bulgaria - China 04:4515mFT8 
N1RIP HK3AQJ United States - Colombia 04:4520mFT8 
W4AI G0KPH United States - England 04:4540mFT8 
K0MLD EA2DP United States - Spain 04:4540mFT8 
R6FDO RP79ML European Russia - European Russia 04:4540MSSB 
R4FDD RP79KM European Russia - European Russia 04:4520MCW 
PY5XT JA7QOA Brazil - Japan 04:4515MFT8 
RD3ZQ RP79YT European Russia - European Russia 04:4520MFT8 
CX6TU ON4STA Uruguay - Belgium 04:4440mFT8 
IK8YBE W0MU Italy - United States 04:4430mFT8 
WM3V N0DCW United States - United States 04:4440mFT8 
MI0NWA DJ2KP Northern Ireland - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:4440mFT8 
WA7PL W4WFC United States - United States 04:4420mFT8 
JM7GTK N0JPE Japan - United States 04:4415mFT8 
K0WWX KC7DX United States - United States 04:4440mFT8 
KG6PH KE7DJB United States - United States 04:4440mFT8 
KW7M AO675VQ United States - Balearic Is. 04:4440mFT8 
IZ8VYU GB8VED Italy - England 04:4430mFT8 
BH4SRB VK4SHG China - Australia 04:4410mFT8 
W4AI 3G0YA United States - Easter Is. 04:4440mFT8 
SP5PDA RP79OP Poland - European Russia 04:4430mFT8 
R6FDO RP79RP European Russia - European Russia 04:4440MSSB 
UA3AIU RP79PW European Russia - European Russia 04:4440MFT8 
SP2EWQ IQ1BK Poland - Italy 04:4440mFT8 
R3PLD RP79SL European Russia - European Russia 04:4440MCW 
N6DBF JA1IDQ United States - Japan 04:4417mFT8 
R3PE J79WTA European Russia - Dominica 04:4420MFT8 
N6DBF JA1IDQ United States - Japan 04:4317mFT8 
SV8PEZ RP79KM Greece - European Russia 04:4320mCW 
BG2FKP KL7XO China - Alaska 04:4315mFT8 
SV8NAJ AO375JW Greece - Spain 04:4330mFT8 
N0NIY V31DL United States - Belize 04:4340mFT8 
JL4WYY 3D2CCC Japan - Fiji 04:4315mFT8 
SP5GOH SQ5GLB/2 Poland - Poland 04:4380mLSB 
N1RIP W5ABQ United States - United States 04:4320mFT8 
IZ2ACM W0MU Italy - United States 04:4330mFT8 
WM3V V31DL United States - Belize 04:4340mFT8 
VK2MBK IQ7DV Australia - Italy 04:4320mFT4 
SP5PDA AO375JW Poland - Spain 04:4330mFT8 
SP2EWQ HA1MHC Poland - Hungary 04:4340mFT8 
R0AJS RP79BK Asiatic Russia - European Russia 04:4320MSSB 
RM3DA OM3PC European Russia - Slovak Republic 04:4330MFT8 
RD3ZQ RP79J European Russia - European Russia 04:4320MFT8 
F4FSY RP79OP France - European Russia 04:4230mFT8 
SV8NAJ VE3/UT3UA Greece - Canada 04:4230mFT8 
EA5D RP79LDD Spain - European Russia 04:4230mFT8 
R3PE RP79TT European Russia - European Russia 04:4220MFT8 
R4FDD RP79NR European Russia - European Russia 04:4220MCW 
US3EW J79WTA Ukraine - Dominica 04:4220MFT8 
R6FDO RP79ZO European Russia - European Russia 04:4240MSSB 
RM3DA RP79OP European Russia - European Russia 04:4230MFT8 
JG3RIG JA7PFI/7 Japan - Japan 04:4140mFT8 
ZL1JA 7Q7JN New Zealand - Malawi 04:4110mFT8 
F5SIB 3G0YA France - Easter Is. 04:4140MFT8 
IK2YJC MI0NWA Italy - Northern Ireland 04:4140mFT8 
MI0NWA IK2YJC Northern Ireland - Italy 04:4140mFT8 
SP5PDA RP79SP Poland - European Russia 04:4130mFT8 
K0MLD F1CCG United States - France 04:4140mFT8 
BA6KC YB8MJG China - Indonesia 04:4110mFT8 
UN8PY DL3MIB Kazakhstan - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:4117MFT8 
UA9YAD UR4MLS Asiatic Russia - Ukraine 04:4120MOLIVIA 
N6DBF VK2DLR United States - Australia 04:4117mFT8 
EA3HMM KE4JXF Spain - United States 04:4020mFT8 
C21TS R0CDV Nauru - Asiatic Russia 04:4015mFT8 
K0WWX K9JDT United States - United States 04:4040mFT8 
JS2NVE JJ3ING/P Japan - Japan 04:406mFT8 
WM3V WT6X United States - United States 04:4040mFT8 
IZ8VYU RP79W Italy - European Russia 04:4030mFT8 
HA5OGR HI7S Hungary - Dominican Rep. 04:4030mFT8 
SP5PDA RP79LDD Poland - European Russia 04:4030mFT8 
SV8NAJ CR3GPDX Greece - Madeira Is. 04:4030mFT8 
BH7PUE XU7AGA China - Cambodia 04:4015mFT8 
RU3GC NT9J European Russia - United States 04:4020MFT8 
UN8PY GB0VED Kazakhstan - England 04:4017MFT8 
R3PK RX3DOZ European Russia - European Russia 04:4080MSSB 
RM3DA RP79I European Russia - European Russia 04:4030MFT8 
SV8PEZ RP79GD Greece - European Russia 04:3920mCW 
N5WY HC7AE/1 United States - Ecuador 04:3930mFT8 
VK2MBK PY5EG Australia - Brazil 04:3920mFT4 
BG2FKP BV400 China - Taiwan 04:3920mFT8 
RN3QOO RP79PF European Russia - European Russia 04:3940MSSB 
US3EW OZ2D Ukraine - Denmark 04:3920MFT8 
R3PE RP79RGA European Russia - European Russia 04:3920MFT8 
UA3ALE BD7KWU European Russia - China 04:3915MFT8 
UA4HDB HS5LVO European Russia - Thailand 04:3912MFT8 
BA6KC VK3CAB China - Australia 04:3910mFT8 
JS2KYN JK2NWU/P Japan - Japan 04:386mFT8 
W4AI KE7DJB United States - United States 04:3840mFT8 
EA3HMM KO4JJU Spain - United States 04:3820mFT8 
IZ8VYU R6TJ Italy - European Russia 04:3830mFT8 
BG8GAM RP79ZAM China - European Russia 04:3815mFT8 
N0NIY KO6UW United States - United States 04:3880mFT8 
SP7NC ZL1CVD Poland - New Zealand 04:3820mFT8 
F4FSY RP79SP France - European Russia 04:3830mFT8 
SP7XIF 3G0YA Poland - Easter Is. 04:3840mFT8 
K5UHF RI0POL United States - Asiatic Russia 04:3820mFT8 
BH7PUE JS1FDO China - Japan 04:3815mFT8 
SP2EWQ RP79I Poland - European Russia 04:3840mFT8 
EU1FQ RP79KM Belarus - European Russia 04:3820MCW 
R3PLD RP79TK European Russia - European Russia 04:3840MCW 
UA3ALE JS1FDO European Russia - Japan 04:3815MFT8 
RN4AM GB0VED European Russia - England 04:3817MFT8 
YO7ZG II3GM Romania - Italy 04:3780mFT8 
IZ8VYU VE3HLS Italy - Canada 04:3730mFT8 
F4FSY RP79LDD France - European Russia 04:3730mFT8 
SP5PDA WO8USA Poland - United States 04:3720mFT4 
N0NIY W9APE United States - United States 04:3780mFT8 
R3PK RK3DAE European Russia - European Russia 04:3780MSSB 
SP2EWQ RP79O Poland - European Russia 04:3740mFT8 
EA5D RP79OP Spain - European Russia 04:3630mFT8 
KG6PH KQ4EKW United States - United States 04:3640mFT8 
5P1KZX KV3R Denmark - United States 04:3630mFT8 
EB2EMZ DL1R Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:3640MFT8 
VK3SN RX9WN Australia - Asiatic Russia 04:3620mFT8 
LZ2HA BD4WN Bulgaria - China 04:3615mFT8 
HA5OGR N8NQ Hungary - United States 04:3630mFT8 
UA3AIU RP79PS European Russia - European Russia 04:3640MFT8 
RU3GC ZL1AW European Russia - New Zealand 04:3620MFT8 
RA9AJ RP79NR Asiatic Russia - European Russia 04:3620MCW 
UA3ALE BH4FSK/QRP European Russia - China 04:3615MFT8 
K1OKS AA9GE United States - United States 04:3680mFT8 
R3PE RP79DD European Russia - European Russia 04:3620MFT8 
AD7OV 3G0YA United States - Easter Is. 04:3520mFT8 
YO7ZG HA7XC Romania - Hungary 04:3580mFT8 
AC9IR OM3PC United States - Slovak Republic 04:3530mFT8 
CE3SOC N5VMN Chile - United States 04:3520mFT8 
F4IIX KZ4BW France - United States 04:3530mFT8 
EA3HMM KT5XL Spain - United States 04:3520mFT8 
ZL1JA A52P New Zealand - Bhutan 04:3510mFT8 
BG8GAM RP79KD China - European Russia 04:3515mFT8 
K0MLD KK7GJO United States - United States 04:3540mFT8 
MI0NWA KD9M Northern Ireland - United States 04:3540mFT8 
F4FSY RP79MG France - European Russia 04:3530mFT8 
BH4FSK/QRP UA3ALE China - European Russia 04:3515mFT8 
JL4WYY RP79PM Japan - European Russia 04:3515mFT8 
N7FN KN4FTT United States - United States 04:3540mFT8 
EU1FQ RP79MM Belarus - European Russia 04:3520MCW 
JS2KYN JR4UCD/P Japan - Japan 04:346mFT8 
BG2FKP XU7GNY China - Cambodia 04:3410mFT8 
ZL2TAZ K7VAY New Zealand - United States 04:3415mFT8 
C21TS N7SF Nauru - United States 04:3415mFT8 
SV8NAJ YO5ASB Greece - Romania 04:3440mFT8 
RA0JAI RP79MG Asiatic Russia - European Russia 04:3417MFT8 
LZ2HA JF1EZU Bulgaria - Japan 04:3415mFT8 
MI0NWA W5JK Northern Ireland - United States 04:3440mFT8 
WM3V VE3ELL United States - Canada 04:3440mFT8 
N6DBF KE5BTS United States - United States 04:3417mFT8 
BG9IPV BH4ERZ China - China 04:3420mFT8 
SP5PDA RA9YJU Poland - Asiatic Russia 04:3420mFT4 
K0MLD DJ2KP United States - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:3440mFT8 
K5UHF KC3WHJ United States - United States 04:3420mFT8 
KA6VKP ZL4YL United States - New Zealand 04:3420mFT8 
RA9AJ RP79GD Asiatic Russia - European Russia 04:3420MCW 
UA9YAD 9A3SWO Asiatic Russia - Croatia 04:3420MPSK63 
UA3ALE R6DBT European Russia - European Russia 04:3420MFT8 
UA3AIU RP79MMK European Russia - European Russia 04:3440MFT8 
SP2EWQ CR2GPDX Poland - Azores 04:3440mFT8 
UT3KW AO375JW Ukraine - Spain 04:3330MFT8 
W1MSN KE8TTF United States - United States 04:3320mFT8 
EA5D N4NJM Spain - United States 04:3330mFT8 
JL4WYY RK4F Japan - European Russia 04:3315mFT8 
G4XNA RP79MG England - European Russia 04:3317mFT8 
LZ2HA BH3EIW Bulgaria - China 04:3315mFT8 
BG5UEZ RN3PD China - European Russia 04:3310mFT8 
HA5OGR KT6CA Hungary - United States 04:3330mFT8 
K1OKS KO6BPG United States - United States 04:3380mFT8 
IK4DRY 3G0YA Italy - Easter Is. 04:3340mFT8 
UA3ALE UB0AZF European Russia - Asiatic Russia 04:3320MFT8 
UT0IW JE3RWD Ukraine - Japan 04:3312MFT8 
R4FDD RP79BK European Russia - European Russia 04:3320MFT8 
UA4HDB ZL1BW European Russia - New Zealand 04:3310MFT8 
DO9BAU M7CLI Fed. Republic of Germany - England 04:3380mFT8 
C21TS VK2BYN Nauru - Australia 04:3215mFT8 
SP5GOH SP8DY/P Poland - Poland 04:3280mLSB 
JF9SLP ZL1PWD Japan - New Zealand 04:3210mFT8 
C21TS AD6GO Nauru - United States 04:3215mFT8 
VK5AIB JH2CSZ Australia - Japan 04:3210mFT4 
WM3V K4JH United States - United States 04:3240mFT8 
JA4DPM A52P Japan - Bhutan 04:3210mFT8 
SV8NAJ DL1GER Greece - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:3240mFT8 
BH7PUE RP79V China - European Russia 04:3215mFT8 
JH0EYA N6LOS Japan - United States 04:3220mFT8 
N1RIP K0LRM United States - United States 04:3220mFT8 
K0WWX KE7DJB United States - United States 04:3240mFT8 
IZ8VYU RP79LDD Italy - European Russia 04:3230mFT8 
W1MSN NL8F United States - Alaska 04:3220mFT8 
N6DBF N4TRF United States - United States 04:3217mFT8 
WM3V 7A9QYV/R United States - Indonesia 04:3240mFT8 
OZ5JLH CS2GPDX Denmark - Portugal 04:3230mCW 
F4FSY RP79ML France - European Russia 04:3230mFT8 
RU3GC W6DAX European Russia - United States 04:3220MFT8 
YO7ZG 9A1CCB Romania - Croatia 04:3180mFT8 
OH6FSO M0CKE Finland - England 04:3140mFT8 
BG8GAM BG3GK China - China 04:3115mFT8 
SV2BRA 3G0YA Greece - Easter Is. 04:3120mFT8 
ZL2TAZ VK4OBI New Zealand - Australia 04:3115mFT8 
WM3V N2PGJ United States - United States 04:3140mFT8 
SP5PDA CR3GPDX Poland - Madeira Is. 04:3120mFT8 
RU3GC W9DPM European Russia - United States 04:3120MFT8 
R4FDD RP79YT European Russia - European Russia 04:3120MFT8 
OH6IH 4Z1TL Finland - Israel 04:3020mFT8 
SV8DUU RP79MG Greece - European Russia 04:3030mFT8 
VE3XJX EA7ICA Canada - Spain 04:3040mFT4 
BG2EFX WL7E China - Alaska 04:3015mFT8 
IZ8VYU ZL2TJM Italy - New Zealand 04:3030mFT8 
BI4IWL ZL3ADX China - New Zealand 04:3010mFT8 
HA5OGR AC8ZQ Hungary - United States 04:3030mFT8 
BA6KC JA1SBA China - Japan 04:3010mFT8 
UA4HDB XU7GNY European Russia - Cambodia 04:3010MFT8 
K5UHF YT3PL United States - Serbia 04:3020mFT4 
SP2EWQ DL1GER Poland - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:3040mFT8 
UA6HGM R2HH European Russia - European Russia 04:3040MFT8 
IK8GYS 3D2CCC Italy - Conway Reef 04:2930mFT8 
K1OKS KJ6MIC United States - United States 04:2980mFT8 
I8EJC HC1HC Italy - Ecuador 04:2920mFT4 
WM3V KE7DJB United States - United States 04:2940mFT8 
OE3FVU SP5AA Austria - Poland 04:29160mFT8 
W1MSN KT5XL United States - United States 04:2920mFT8 
N1RIP N6LOS United States - United States 04:2920mFT8 
JH0EYA BG5IZL Japan - China 04:2920mFT8 
K5UHF IQ7DV United States - Italy 04:2920mFT4 
UA3ALE RI0POL European Russia - Asiatic Russia 04:2920MFT8 
JG3RIG 7K2HUG Japan - Japan 04:2840mFT8 
TA0ACL NL8F Turkey - Alaska 04:2817mFT8 
F4IIX OL87DL France - Czech Republic 04:2880mFT8 
JF9SLP ZL1PWD Japan - New Zealand 04:2810mFT8 
JL4WYY RZ6ASO Japan - European Russia 04:2815mFT8 
SV8DUU RP79I Greece - European Russia 04:2830mFT8 
N6DBF KE5BTS United States - United States 04:2817mFT8 
KL7TC RP79V Alaska - European Russia 04:2815mFT8 
IZ8VYU RP79SP Italy - European Russia 04:2830mFT8 
K6IRK W9DPM United States - United States 04:2820mFT8 
BG9IPV BI1FQO China - China 04:2820mFT8 
I8EJC AI5IN Italy - United States 04:2820mFT4 
UA3AIU RP79SF European Russia - European Russia 04:2840MFT8 
RA3FY N1RIP European Russia - United States 04:2820MFT8 
RN3QOO RP79ZO European Russia - European Russia 04:2840MSSB 
K6YEK KU1V/P NY United States - United States 04:2840mLSB 
UA9YAD 9A3SWO Asiatic Russia - Croatia 04:2820MOLIVIA 
UA4HDB 3D2CCC European Russia - Conway Reef 04:2810MFT8 
R4FDD RP79X European Russia - European Russia 04:2820MFT8 
AC9IR OM3PC United States - Slovak Republic 04:2730mFT8 
C21TS ZL1LC Nauru - New Zealand 04:2715mFT8 
W3SSB W4AI United States - United States 04:2740mFT8 
W4AI W3SSB United States - United States 04:2740mFT8 
SV8NAJ OZ1BEC Greece - Denmark 04:2740mFT8 
WM3V WA2HIP United States - United States 04:2740mFT8 
N1RIP RA3FY United States - European Russia 04:2720mFT8 
JH0EYA K0IDX Japan - United States 04:2720mFT8 
F5CKQ AI5IN France - United States 04:2720mFT4 
BG5FCH A52P China - Bhutan 04:2710mFT8 
IZ8VYU R2PX Italy - European Russia 04:2730mFT8 
VE3XJX SP7OQI Canada - Poland 04:2740mFT4 
JF9SLP YC2FAJ Japan - Indonesia 04:2710mFT8 
RD3ZQ RP79CWD European Russia - European Russia 04:2730MFT8 
ZL1JA OH2ZZ New Zealand - Finland 04:2620mFT4 
ZL2TAZ VK3HAG New Zealand - Australia 04:2610mFT8 
JG1TSG BX2AGP/M Japan - Taiwan 04:266mFT8 
BG8GAM RP79PM China - European Russia 04:2615mFT8 
BH4BNQ JG1ILF China - Japan 04:2615mFT8 
W4AI KA8YOR United States - United States 04:2640mFT8 
BH4AIU JR3UIC China - Japan 04:2615mFT8 
RN3QOO EV79M European Russia - Belarus 04:2640MSSB 
JA3LEV KL7XD Japan - Alaska 04:2615mFT8 
UA6HGM EV79K European Russia - Belarus 04:2640MFT8 
4X1QQ LZ3AI Israel - Bulgaria 04:2520mFT8 
N3DAW W7WRO United States - United States 04:2540mFT8 
AC9IR N8HRZ United States - United States 04:2530mFT8 
EA5D RP79MG Spain - European Russia 04:2530mFT8 
C21TS N6CVA Nauru - United States 04:2515mFT8 
JL4WYY BG3GK Japan - China 04:2515mFT8 
K6IRK K6BY United States - United States 04:2520mFT8 
OH6FSO DJ2DL Finland - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:2540mFT8 
BG2EFX JG1ILF China - Japan 04:2515mFT8 
N6DBF N6DLC United States - United States 04:2517mFT8 
BA6KC JE1LOL China - Japan 04:2510mFT8 
N1RIP RA3Y United States - European Russia 04:2520mFT8 
ON6AO 3G0YA Belgium - Easter Is. 04:2540mFT8 
BH7PUE BH4FSK/QRP China - China 04:2515mFT8 
DO9BAU SP7WJ Fed. Republic of Germany - Poland 04:2580mFT8 
YO7ZG TA7AZC Romania - Turkey 04:2440mFT8 
JG2AIG 3D2CCC Japan - Conway Reef 04:2417mFT8 
ZL1JA RK4F New Zealand - European Russia 04:2420mFT4 
ZL1JA HA3FIC New Zealand - Hungary 04:2420mFT4 
F5LMJ KO4RJE France - United States 04:2460mFT8 
VE3XJX KX4I Canada - United States 04:2440mFT4 
N7FN KG7OWA United States - United States 04:2440mFT8 
OE3FVU OJ0T Austria - Market Reef 04:2480mFT8 
W4AI KG4OJT United States - United States 04:2440mFT8 
BH4FSK/QRP BH7PUE China - China 04:2415mFT8 
KG4OJT W4AI United States - United States 04:2440mFT8 
N3DAW KA8YOR United States - United States 04:2440mFT8 
F4FSY F4DSK France - France 04:2430mFT8 
C21TS K7OVM Nauru - United States 04:2315mFT8 
IW9FRA KN4USA Italy - United States 04:2320mFT8 
JS2NVE XU7GNY Japan - Cambodia 04:2310mFT8 
ZL1JA HB9GNH New Zealand - Switzerland 04:2320mFT4 
IK8YBE KQ4LQN Italy - United States 04:2330mFT8 
BG8GAM RZ6ASO China - European Russia 04:2315mFT8 
K0WWX WT6X United States - United States 04:2340mFT8 
F5CKQ HC1HC France - Ecuador 04:2320mFT4 
PY5CV RP79RZ Brazil - European Russia 04:2320mFT8 
HA5OGR 3D2CCC Hungary - Conway Reef 04:2330mFT8 
VK3SN OE3GCU Australia - Austria 04:2320mFT8 
MI0NWA AE0QG Northern Ireland - United States 04:2340mFT8 
UA3ALE OJ0T European Russia - Finland 04:2380MFT8 
RN4AM 3D2CCC European Russia - Fiji 04:2310MFT8 
PY2NF 3G0YA Brazil - Easter Is. 04:2340mFT8 
RU3GC W4WFC European Russia - United States 04:2320MFT8 
SP2EWQ RP79KZG Poland - European Russia 04:2340mFT8 
BA6KC BG5TVX China - China 04:2310mFT8 
US3EW DL1SMA Ukraine - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:2320MFT8 
RD3ZQ RP79I European Russia - European Russia 04:2330MFT8 
K0MLD 3G0YA United States - Easter Is. 04:2240mFT8 
EA3HMM NT9J Spain - United States 04:2220mFT8 
ZL2TAZ KJ7SUZ New Zealand - United States 04:2210mFT8 
LZ2HA R9XD/9 Bulgaria - Asiatic Russia 04:2215mFT8 
N6DBF 3B8GL United States - Mauritius 04:2217mFT8 
BH4BNQ JP3HIW/P China - Japan 04:2215mFT8 
IZ8VYU KF6JXM Italy - United States 04:2230mFT8 
KG4OJT 3G0YA United States - Easter Is. 04:2240mFT8 
JL4WYY BD7OGS Japan - China 04:2215mFT8 
VE3XJX IZ0EUX Canada - Italy 04:2240mFT4 
SP2EWQ RP79PS Poland - European Russia 04:2240mFT8 
PY5XT W4JET Brazil - United States 04:2215MFT8 
N6DBF JG1JIC United States - Japan 04:2117mFT8 
YO2AA FM/PE1IGM Romania - Martinique 04:2130mFT8 
ZL1JA SV3CKF New Zealand - Greece 04:2120mFT4 
EA5D RP79SP Spain - European Russia 04:2130mFT8 
F4IIX K3EA France - United States 04:2180mFT8 
K5UHF K0RAR United States - United States 04:2130mFT8 
W4AI DL2VEL United States - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:2140mFT8 
R3WW UN8PC European Russia - Kazakhstan 04:2130MFT8 
BG8GAM RP79TP China - European Russia 04:2115mFT8 
JL4WYY LZ2HA Japan - Bulgaria 04:2115mFT8 
LZ2HA JL4WYY Bulgaria - Japan 04:2115mFT8 
PD2ARI RU4LM Netherlands - European Russia 04:2120mFT8 
KG4OJT N8SQT United States - United States 04:2140mFT8 
US3EW G4PEY Ukraine - England 04:2120MFT8 
RU3GC K6EGG European Russia - United States 04:2120MFT8 
RD3ZQ RP79OP European Russia - European Russia 04:2130MFT8 
BH7PUE HS0ZKB China - Thailand 04:2015mFT8 
5P1KZX W9DRB Denmark - United States 04:2030mFT8 
BG9IPV BG2EFX China - China 04:2015mFT8 
BG2EFX BG9IPV China - China 04:2015mFT8 
XE1AY 3G0YA Mexico - Easter Is. 04:2040mFT8 
F4IIX W1MSN France - United States 04:2080mFT8 
ZL1JA VE3KI New Zealand - Canada 04:2020mFT4 
ZL1JA KB8U New Zealand - United States 04:2020mFT4 
C21TS AA6IO Nauru - United States 04:2015mFT8 
OE3FVU DM5TI Austria - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:20160mFT8 
N7WFK CR3GPDX United States - Madeira Is. 04:2040mFT8 
R3WW HA7LJ European Russia - Hungary 04:2030MFT8 
JS2NVE JT1DN Japan - Mongolia 04:2010mFT8 
N7FN K3KEZ United States - United States 04:2040mFT8 
JH0EYA BG3GK Japan - China 04:2015mFT8 
R4FDD RP79NR European Russia - European Russia 04:2020MSSB 
HA5WA 3B8GL Hungary - Mauritius 04:2017MFT8 
UA9YAD RG0S Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 04:2020MOLIVIA 
PY5XT JI1EKD Brazil - Japan 04:2015MFT8 
N6DBF JM1IZV United States - Japan 04:1917mFT8 
JS2KYN 3D2CCC Japan - Conway Reef 04:1912mFT8 
VK5AIB JK1VUZ Australia - Japan 04:1910mFT4 
SV1QEW N2PGJ Greece - United States 04:1940mFT8 
5P1KZX R2PX Denmark - European Russia 04:1930mFT8 
W1MSN F4IIX United States - France 04:1980mFT8 
ZL1JA YO6DBL New Zealand - Romania 04:1920mFT4 
LZ2HA JI1NJC Bulgaria - Japan 04:1915mFT8 
BD4UJ RP79BK China - European Russia 04:1920mFT8 
DJ4WM OJ0T Fed. Republic of Germany - Market Reef 04:1980mFT8 
R3WW UN2NC European Russia - Kazakhstan 04:1930MFT8 
VE3XJX F5PAC Canada - France 04:1940mFT4 
BG9IPV HL4CNR China - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 04:1915mFT8 
RU3GC CR3GPDX European Russia - Madeira Is. 04:1920MFT8 
UA6HGM RP79PS European Russia - European Russia 04:1940MFT8 
YO2AA 3D2CCC Romania - Conway Reef 04:1830mFT8 
SV8NAJ W2KOT Greece - United States 04:1840mFT8 
ZL1JA DG5AAG New Zealand - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:1820mFT4 
BG8GAM RP79J China - European Russia 04:1815mFT8 
PY5CV RP79GV Brazil - European Russia 04:1820mFT8 
JH0EYA BH4FFN Japan - China 04:1815mFT8 
W1MSN GB8VED United States - England 04:1880mFT8 
I8EJC SE2T Italy - Sweden 04:1820mFT4 
BH7PUE JJ2HCM China - Japan 04:1815mFT8 
PD1BER RP79AS Netherlands - European Russia 04:1840mFT8 
LZ2HA JI1EKD Bulgaria - Japan 04:1815mFT8 
BA6KC ZL3GA China - New Zealand 04:1810mFT8 
IK4DRY OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 04:1880mFT8 
R3PK R2DQR European Russia - European Russia 04:1880MSSB 
YO7ZG RP79TK Romania - European Russia 04:1740mCW 
ZL1JA KX4I New Zealand - United States 04:1720mFT4 
OZ5JLH CR3GPDX Denmark - Madeira Is. 04:1720mFT8 
OE3FVU KO4RJE Austria - United States 04:1760mFT8 
N6DBF VE6KZ United States - Canada 04:1717mFT8 
KG4OJT KN4FTT United States - United States 04:1740mFT8 
ZL1JA LZ1ZJ New Zealand - Bulgaria 04:1720mFT4 
W4AI W7CMA United States - United States 04:1740mFT8 
R3WW RA6HN European Russia - European Russia 04:1730MFT8 
K5UHF K4DBS United States - United States 04:1740mFT8 
W1MSN K8OCN United States - United States 04:1780mFT8 
F4FSY CR3GPDX France - Madeira Is. 04:1730mFT8 
RD3ZQ RP79LDD European Russia - European Russia 04:1730MFT8 
RU3GC M5MOW European Russia - England 04:1720MFT8 
SP2EWQ GB8VED Poland - Scotland 04:1740mFT8 
ZL1JA SE2T New Zealand - Sweden 04:1620mFT4 
C21TS VK3DWL Nauru - Australia 04:1615mFT8 
DJ4WM GB8VED Fed. Republic of Germany - England 04:1680mFT8 
KG5CIK VK2USH United States - Australia 04:1620mUSB 
IZ0MIT 3G0YA Italy - Easter Is. 04:1640mFT8 
IZ8VYU AO375JW Italy - Spain 04:1630mFT8 
KI5DXY K3QB United States - United States 04:1620mFT8 
BG9IPV BI1LET/7 China - China 04:1615mFT8 
BH7PUE YD1FMV China - Indonesia 04:1615mFT8 
AO575D KX4I Spain - United States 04:1620mFT4 
I8EJC N5EE Italy - United States 04:1620mFT4 
N3DAW N6NXV United States - United States 04:1640mFT8 
N7WFK CR2GPDX United States - Azores 04:1640mFT8 
W3SSB KN4FTT United States - United States 04:1640mFT8 
R3WW YO4GIY European Russia - Romania 04:1630MFT8 
AO575D WO8USA Spain - United States 04:1620mFT4 
R3PK R5DO European Russia - European Russia 04:1680MSSB 
RU3GC KN4NOK European Russia - United States 04:1620MFT8 
N6DBF JA1OZZ United States - Japan 04:1517mFT8 
KE4MVW FM/PE1IGM United States - Martinique 04:1530mFT8 
SV1QEW OH3NK Greece - Finland 04:1540mFT8 
F4IIX TF3VG France - Iceland 04:1580mFT8 
EA3HMM KB1UIF Spain - United States 04:1520mFT8 
K0WWX KV6OTT United States - United States 04:1540mFT8 
W1MSN ON4STA United States - Belgium 04:1580mFT8 
YO8RZK HC7AE/1 Romania - Ecuador 04:1530mFT8 
DJ4WM SP9JBT Fed. Republic of Germany - Poland 04:1580mFT8 
ZL2TAZ N5EE New Zealand - United States 04:1520mFT4 
IZ8VYU NA6Q Italy - United States 04:1530mFT8 
JG1TSG BV2KI Japan - Taiwan 04:156mFT8 
OZ5JLH CR3GPDX Denmark - Madeira Is. 04:1540mFT8 
IU4DTV W2KOT Italy - United States 04:1540mFT8 
RD3ZQ RP79DD European Russia - European Russia 04:1530MFT8 
BA7LUI BD4UOS China - China 04:1510mFT8 
YO7ZG RP79KP Romania - European Russia 04:1430mCW 
VE3XJX EA2CNL Canada - Spain 04:1440mFT4 
KW7M CR3GPDX United States - Madeira Is. 04:1440mFT8 
I8EJC K5WW Italy - United States 04:1420mFT4 
BG2EFX RP79GPF China - European Russia 04:1415mFT8 
KG5CIK VK2IO/P United States - Australia 04:1420mUSB 
YO8RSL AO375JW Romania - Spain 04:1430mFT8 
F5CKQ DL4GHS France - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:1440mFT8 
R3WW DL1TRK European Russia - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:1430MFT8 
SP2EWQ EV79K Poland - Belarus 04:1440mFT8 
R4FDD RP79T European Russia - European Russia 04:1440MSSB 
K6YEK KL7OR United States - United States 04:1340mLSB 
VK5AIB VK6DF Australia - Australia 04:1310mFT4 
PY5CV RP79SP Brazil - European Russia 04:1320mFT8 
IZ8VYU 3D2CCC Italy - Conway Reef 04:1330mFT8 
ZL1JA 4X1QQ New Zealand - Israel 04:1320mFT4 
BG9IPV JI6HOF China - Japan 04:1315mFT8 
R3WW RK9CW European Russia - Asiatic Russia 04:1330MFT8 
VK2HAK 3D2CCC Australia - Conway Reef 04:1310mFT8 
VK3SN 7Q7JN Australia - Malawi 04:1317mFT8 
NZ5U WN6M United States - United States 04:1315MFT8 
JF9SLP YG1AGX Japan - Indonesia 04:1310mFT8 
N6DBF JK3AGC United States - Japan 04:1317mFT8 
SP2EWQ RP79AS Poland - European Russia 04:1340mFT8 
RU3GC 3G0YA European Russia - Easter Is. 04:1320MFT8 
I8EJC N5EE Italy - United States 04:1320mFT4 
4X1QQ ZL1JA Israel - New Zealand 04:1320mFT4 
RN4AM 3G0YA European Russia - Easter Is. 04:1320MFT8 
R9ON RP79RGA Asiatic Russia - European Russia 04:1320MFT8 
UA6HGM RQ6B European Russia - European Russia 04:1340MFT8 
EB2EMZ DK9MI Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:1240MFT8 
BG9IPV JF1KWI China - Japan 04:1215mFT8 
KE4MVW IS0AWZ United States - Sardinia 04:1230mFT8 
F4IIX IT9IQQ France - Italy 04:1280mFT8 
ZL1JA LY2BBF New Zealand - Lithuania 04:1220mFT4 
BH7PUE BI1MDW China - China 04:1215mFT8 
BG2EFX RX3RZ China - European Russia 04:1215mFT8 
W4AI DJ6OI United States - Fed. Republic of Germany 04:1230mFT8 
W1MSN VE3ELL United States - Canada 04:1240mFT8 
PD2ARI UD3SBA Netherlands - European Russia 04:1220mFT8 
BA6KC JS1WFG China - Japan 04:1210mFT8 
RA0JAI JI1NJC Asiatic Russia - Japan 04:1215MFT8 
N6DBF VK3AUX United States - Australia 04:1217mFT8 
BH4SRB RX3QBT China - European Russia 04:1210mFT8 
US3EW 3G0YA Ukraine - Chile 04:1220MFT8 
4X1QQ OE5WRO/P Israel - Austria 04:1220mFT4 

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